Hi, I’m Johnna Bavoso

Like you, I am on the road of life curious about what lies ahead, and yet not quite sure what tomorrow will bring.

A little while ago I started wondering about this time in life as I also noticed other folks making retirement decisions and then deciding what to do in their lives after retirement.

Of course, it is also apparent that we are in a unique time in history as we age. We will live longer, generally healthier, and with more resources than anyone before us.

In the mid 1980’s I developed the ChangeBuilders™ model for understanding and managing organizational change. I have since helped organizations all over the United States use this model to manage change more effectively. Then in 2010 I incorporated the same model in the book From Laid Off To Living© used in support groups all over Colorado to help folks who have been laid off.

So I decided to use this model to help us navigate the change of aging. Then thinking of the ancient Mayans who paved their roads in white limestone to find their way in the dark I decided to use that metaphor to describe our road. The Sacbe Way™ is our journey of change.

Now it is time to share the elements or treks of The Sacbe Way™ with you. Join with others who will share this journey with you in a support group facilitated by experienced Guides.

The Sacbe Way is a journey of this lifetime!

See more about Johnna and The People Business, Inc. at www.thepeoplebusinessinc.com